

Eat Smart: 5 Nutrition Tips for Pregnant and Lactating Women

Eat Smart: 5 Nutrition Tips for Pregnant and Lactating Women


Most of your life depends on the food you take. But as many of us are busy taking care of our professional and personal life, we often neglect healthy eating. That one pizza or coke contains all the calories necessary to nullify one trip to the gym. Healthy nutrition is very essential for women, particularly menstruating, pregnant and lactating women.


Women of specific ages should focus on specific diets as their hormones keep changing. Menstruating, pregnant, and lactating women require higher amounts of nutrients as compared to others. For example, they should increase the amount of iron in their diet. Meanwhile, post-menopausal women will need good proportions of calcium as compared to other women.


These specific nutritional needs should not get overlooked by work or lifestyle. By eating right at every age you can easily control your cravings, mood swings, and body weight. You’ll see the benefits right away; a boost in your energy levels, while also feeling and looking better. Let us see a few nutritional tips for pregnant and lactating women...


1. Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are vital for the neurological and brain development of your baby. They are also helpful in making breast milk post-delivery. 


Omega-3 fatty acids are available in salmon, tuna, sardines, and herring. If you are a vegan, you can try seaweed, which is a good vegetarian source of Omega-3 fatty acids. 2 servings a week provide you with decent amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Add Good Amounts of Protein 


High-quality protein is necessary for the growth and development of the brain and nervous system. You can meet the required proportions of protein by consuming fish, poultry, and dairy along with red meat.


Vegetarians can incorporate good amounts of plant-based protein sources like peanut butter, tofu, chia seeds, oats, and others.


3. Eat Smaller Portions Frequently 

Instead of swallowing all at once, it is better to divide your meals into small portions and consume them at regular intervals. Eating lots of food at a time may make you feel uneasy, and  the nutrients from the food may not be absorbed as efficiently as when taken in divided portions.


4. Cut Down on Caffeine and Alcohol

As incredible as coffee is, high amounts of coffee may not do good for you in your pregnant and lactating days. In fact, it may interfere with iron absorption and in some cases lead to miscarriage. If you’re in need of a boost, try an energy bar or low-calorie energy drink, but be sure to run any new food by your doctor first. 


Alcohol should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation at any cost. This is because alcohol can pass through your placenta and reach your baby which leads to fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition which causes behavioral and low birth weight problems.


5. Avoid Harmful Foods

Avoiding unhealthy food is as important as consuming healthy food. Be selective during your pregnancy and lactation period with food; you must keep in mind that your baby eats whatever you eat. Foods such as cheeses, sushi, deli meats, and raw sprouts should be avoided. Fish such as albacore tuna, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel should not be consumed as they contain high levels of mercury, which in turn results in neurological issues in the fetus.


These are a few of the best nutritional tips for pregnant and lactating women. Healthy lifestyle habits give you a healthy baby. Consult a professional for preparing diet charts according to your body condition and follow the plan as strictly as possible.


HerbsDaily offers a wide range of vitamins and supplements to keep you healthy and fit during pregnancy and lactation.



Live Your Best Life: The Best Practices to Age Gracefully

Live Your Best Life: The Best Practices to Age Gracefully

As we all know, choosing unhealthy lifestyle habits causes a lot of problems while aging. Healthy lifestyle habits are all you need for healthy aging. Though it may not be possible to live the healthiest life all the time, you can definitely decrease the risk of disease with the help of simple lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle habits decide the wellness of a person. So, if you want to stay healthy, work for it! Here are a few of the best lifestyle habits for healthy aging.

1. Eat Good

Diet and food aren’t just a part of your lifestyle, they ARE your lifestyle. Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your meals, and avoid saturated and trans-saturated fatty acids. As metabolism slows down during aging, so does the ability to break down sugar, so be sure to limit the amount of sweets you eat.  Drink low fat milk. Try to minimise the use of packed, tinned, frozen, and other processed foods.

Instead, select high-fiber foods such as whole wheat breads and cereals, beans, unsalted nuts and seeds, and bright-colored vegetables and fruits. Go for boiled, broiled, and grilled foods rather than fried. Have food or drinks that are fortified with vitamin D, calcium, and other necessary vitamins and minerals.

Water is a vital and criminally underrated nutrient. Unless you have bladder-related problems, drink as much water as you can. People with renal impairments, cardiovascular problems, and other ailments should consult their primary care physician and plan accordingly.

2. Exercise Regularly

Physical movement is essential for people of all ages. Although it is better to start young, if you’re someone who’s never participated in sports or exercise, now is still never too late. 

Exercise improves the flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance of an individual. Exercising just 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week gives you relief from chronic pain, boosts the immune system, and helps maintain a healthy BMI. Exercise or physical movement also decreases the risk of strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. But besides the obvious physical benefits, staying active has proven to raise self-esteem, energy levels, and quality of sleep.

3. Connect with People

Community is everything, but especially so in old age. Being connected with people works as an energy booster and improves your quality of life. 

Even having a small chat can relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and many other mental health issues. Participate in exercise routines with people from varied backgrounds and age groups. This helps in creating the connections with people around you, and helps provide much-needed motivation to exercise regularly. 

Take part in volunteer programmes and other group activities that keep you energetic. You can also go for your favorite sports or other activities. Though growing old can at times seem like a lonely process, you are not alone and there is always someone who will understand what you’re experiencing. 

4. Regular Checkups

People having any type of health ailment should consult their primary care physician frequently. Follow-up sessions are very important for proper and complete treatment of your health issues. Follow the directions given by your doctor precisely. Take your medications regularly and do not skip prescribed medicines, as it can give irregular results. If you do accidentally skip, do not double up and take 2 medications at a time without consulting your doctor first. Staying regular with your doctor and your meds goes a long way in preventing and treating illness efficiently. 

5. Get Enough Rest

A proper night of sleep is very essential for a quality life, as it provides an outlet for stress to leave your body and mind. Avoid substances such as alcohol, smoking, and others to try and fall asleep. If you are experiencing trouble with sleep, try melatonin or any other sleeping supplements under the guidance of your doctor. 

All the above mentioned habits are important to maintain a healthy life in your old age. Your 50s and beyond are a time of bliss, but also a time of caution. Consult your primary care physician before you try a new thing. If you are a person suffering from cardiovascular and other health ailments, we strongly suggest that you do regular follow-ups with your doctor, and take extra care of yourself so you live your absolute best life. 

HerbsDaily offers a wide range of health and wellness supplements for healthy aging.

Aging Red Flags: What to Look Out For as You Age

Aging Red Flags: What to Look Out For as You Age

The aging process brings about the most unexpected challenges in one’s life. You may notice subtle changes like digestive issues, slight aches and pains, or having less energy than you're used to. Others are more obvious, like changes in the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and others. 

Health ailments associated with aging can be brought about for a variety of reasons such as decreased immune function, wear and tear of body tissues, and good old oxidative stress. Let us have a look at the various signs and ailments to look out for while aging: 

1. Chronic Illnesses

Most individuals in old age suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, and others. Obesity is also one of the major chronic illnesses which may eventually increase the risk of other ailments. It is important to keep an eye out for these lifestyle diseases as they accelerate aging. You can do this by getting regular checkups and maintaining a healthy BMI. 

2. Cognitive Problems

Cognitive health refers to one's ability to remember things, analyze situations, and critically think. With age, cognitive functions tend to decline slowly. 

Though this is one of the main problems associated with aging, the risk of cognitive decline is increased with the presence of pre-existing conditions. These may include depression, HIV, smoking, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and others. Dementia has become one of the most common health ailments associated with aging, so be wary of your cognitive abilities.

3. Mental Health Issues

We see mental health issues like depression and anxiety very commonly in elders. This may be because of existing chronic illnesses or deficiencies. So taking care of your chronic diseases may help in managing the symptoms of depression. Circumstances and themes such as abandonment, loneliness, acceptance, and quality of life may also play a factor in your mental health. There are several great resources for those suffering from mental illness. Be sure to reach out and get the help you need. 

4. Bone Problems

Bone mass, density, strength, and flexibility decrease rapidly with an increase in age. This may lead to an increase in the risk of bone-related problems such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and others. Having these diseases may cause bone fractures. Bones can also break often due to loss of balance and altered gait in elders. Use the right mobility aids, and have enough calcium and vitamin D (either in your diet or as a supplement) to combat the loss of bone mass. 

5. Malnutrition

An improper diet or assessment of dietary needs inevitably leads to malnutrition. Alcohol abuse, depression, socio-economic problems, and diet restrictions may also play a huge role in  malnutrition. 

Malnutrition is a serious issue among the elderly, as it causes decreased immune function, which may result in an increased susceptibility towards infections. Consult a registered dietician to help you create a meal suitable for your specific needs and lifestyle.  

6. Sensory Impairments

You may have noticed that hearing and seeing becomes more and more difficult as the years go by. This is not by accident. An increase in age may give you impaired vision and hearing problems. With the help of hearing aids and sunglasses, one can lead a comfortable life in old age. 

7. Bladder Control and Constipation Problems

Loss of bladder control and constipation are the most common health ailments associated with aging. The underlying reasons are many. A few of them may include improper diet, decreased physical activity, substance abuse, chronic illnesses, and others. Seek help from a healthcare professional to assess the cause and prescribe the right medications for you. 

All the above ailments are only a drop in the vast ocean of issues one has to deal with in old age. Though it seems to be difficult to maintain quality of life, you can easily achieve it with simple lifestyle modifications, regular check-ups, and nutritional supplements. Elder people should always consult a primary care physician before altering their lifestyle habits, diet, medications, and any other factors. 

HerbsDaily offers a wide range of health and wellness supplements that may help you decrease the risk of getting affected with health ailments in old age. 



Move with Confidence: The Best Mobility Aids for Elderly Support

Move with Confidence: The Best Mobility Aids for Elderly Support

Among the many problems aging causes, a lack of balance is probably one of the most significant. One bad fall could have severe consequences, especially in old age. You may find it difficult to remain mobile for longer periods of time. This can lower your self-confidence and cause you a lot of stress. 

For a wonderful support while doing your daily activities, mobility aids are often suggested by primary care physicians. There are various mobility aids and each one has its own importance and use. Let us have a quick view of types of mobility aids for the elderly:

1. Walking Stick

A walking stick is by far the most popular walking aid. It is mainly suggested for people who find it difficult to walk without others' support. Walking canes and sticks are available today in various customizable options and designs.

Walking sticks come in different sizes and lightweight materials like aluminum and carbon fiber for easy holding and support while walking. Even portable models like tripod stands and foldable walking sticks can be purchased for easy carrying.

2. Bathroom Aids

Bathrooms can be a daunting place for elderly. This is because bathrooms are small and do not allow you to walk comfortably. The wet floors and virtually frictionless mats may leave you with bruises and fractures you didn’t ask for. To avoid these problems, you can choose mats with good grip, grab rails, walk-in showers, shower seats, and other aids that can help you take a comfortable shower.

3. Walking Frames

Walking frames are a popular choice for those looking for a little more stability than a cane. Even though three-legged walking frames are available, walking frames usually have four legs along with four ferrules. Using walking frames correctly is very important, which is why they are available in a range of sizes and variations. 

Here is a pro tip: Choose walking frames with a wider base for better support. 

4. Wheel Chair

Wheelchairs are the best aids for people who find it difficult to walk, or use other mobility aids because of lack of support and other reasons. Both manual and electric wheelchairs are available for easy use by the elder people.

More strength is required to use manual wheelchairs. Self propelled chairs are also available, which comes with larger back wheels and helps to propel the chair. Attendant propelled wheelchairs have smaller back wheels when compared to self-propelled wheelchairs. These are easier to move, easy to carry, and are lightweight.

All the above mobility aids help in effortless movement and support you while moving here and there in your old age. Talk to your primary care physician and choose a mobility aid according to your body type, posture, skin, and health conditions. Use mobility aids correctly under the supervision of a professional. 

HerbsDaily offers a wide range of health and wellness supplements that can aid you in your old age.

