The most common diseases of the lymphatic system are lymphedema, lymphadenopathy, and cancer (lymphoma).
The lymphatic system is responsible for ridding the body of unwanted toxins and waste products. Through a network of tissues and organs it transports lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells which help fight infections. Disorders of the lymphatic system are usually caused to lymph nodes, which filter lymph of any toxins.
Infection, skin changes, discoloration of the skin, blisters, and fluid leaking from the skin are all symptoms of lymphatic dysfunction.
Lymphadenopathy is a common condition of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, erythematosus, and sarcoidosis.
Lymphatic system problems are usually caused by bacterial infections like strep throat, viral infections like mononucleosis or HIV, and inflammation caused by autoimmune disease.
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