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FAQ's For Laryngitis

Acute laryngitis usually goes away within a week.

Acute laryngitis treatment will involve various simple self-care steps. Steam inhalation, voice rest, and drinking warm fluids may all work as an effective laryngitis cure. Chronic laryngitis, however, will require treatment of the underlying cause, like GERD, smoking, or sinusitis. Corticosteroids may work as a good laryngitis medicine to help provide immediate relief from inflammation.

Laryngitis is most commonly a viral infection. However, occasionally bacteria or fungus can cause the illness.

Drink hot liquids like tea, soup, broth, or water to soothe the throat. Sucking on menthol lozenges can also be helpful.

Acute laryngitis usually goes away on its own within a week. However, it is advisable to follow self-care remedies, else risk prolonging the duration of the illness.

Laryngitis is a condition caused by the inflammation of the voice box or larynx. This may happen because of overuse, irritation, infection, or injury. The vocal cords allow sounds to be produced through vibrations and movement, thus creating speech. Laryngitis causes these vocal cords to become inflamed, distorting the sound. This results in a hoarse or even unrecognizable voice.

Some common signs of laryngitis include:
Hoarse or gruff voice
Weak voice
Loss of voice
Tickling sensation
Rawness of the throat
Sore throat
Dry throat
Dry cough

Laryngitis may be acute (treatable) or chronic (long-term) in nature. Acute laryngitis may be caused by a viral infection, overuse or vocal strain, or occasionally a bacterial infection. Chronic laryngitis, however, may be caused by the following:
Excessive alcohol consumption
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Chronic sinusitis
Inhaled irritants like allergens, smoke, or chemicals
Habitual overuse (like with singers or cheerleaders)
Vocal cord paralysis

Acute laryngitis treatment will involve various simple self-care steps. Steam inhalation, voice rest, and drinking warm fluids may all work as an effective laryngitis cure. The following laryngitis remedies may be useful:
Steam inhalation
Air humidifiers
Drinking plenty of fluids, especially warm drinks like soup, tea, or broth
Voice rest (One of the most effective lost voice remedies)
Sucking on menthol lozenges
Saltwater gargle
Avoiding whispering, or usage of decongestants (causes extra strain and dryness in the vocal cords)

Chronic laryngitis, however, will require treatment of the underlying cause, like GERD, smoking, or sinusitis. Corticosteroids may work as a good laryngitis medicine to help provide immediate relief from inflammation.

HerbsDaily offers a wide range of products effective in treating laryngitis symptoms.
